Loropetulum to be specific. I went in search of a witch hazel, that bright yellow shrub that wakes up in the dead of winter, and found this:
Also a witch hazel. I've never seen them in any other colour before. Of course, the fringes were already dried and falling off the bush but it was interesting none the less.
Another interesting shrub was the Symphoricarpos orbiculatus or coral berry. Beautiful berries but the plant looked leggy and sparse. I would rather have interesting foliage although the berry colour does pack a wallop.
Southern States didn't have a very good selection of evergreens yesterday. I was looking for a threadleaf cypress but they didn't have it. I'll have to check at Lowes and see if they have any plants out yet. At least they are guaranteed. I also need to pick up some more cement for my hypertufa project. I'm itching to get started on that. Gotta finish the tiling first though. That seems to be taking forever! Looks like it's going to rain so I'll put up a few more courses today. I've finally gotten to a point where I need to start cutting some tiles. That's always fun. Now, where did I put that tile cutter?
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
I've been wanting some witch hazel too. I really need to start a-shopping soon, as I've got big plans for this summer.
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