Oh hell, just read the last entry again. Nothing different. Mom sent me an email to tell me what she had for breakfast. A bagel. I was riveted.
I put flannel on the beds today and washed a load of clothes. I decided to hang all of dd's clothes so she could pick out her own outfit without pulling everything out of the dresser and leaving it piled on the floor. Got a note from the teacher today. It seems dd was VERY moody today and barely escaped a yellow light. Tell me something I don't know lady. When is she not moody? That's what I'd like to know. This kid isn't even 6 yo and she's got a huge chip on her shoulder already. I can't wait for her teen years. I didn't even get a kiss goodnight. She's probably pissed because I cleaned her room today. I really cleaned it, too. On Monday, while she's in school, it's going to get even cleaner. ;o|
Forgot to mention that I got my first seed catalogue of the season a couple of days ago. Once upon a time they would at least wait until January to send them out. It's like Christmas trees. Back in the day you wouldn't see Christmas tree lots until December but I saw a fully loaded tree back in the beginning of October. And there were a bunch of cut trees outside the Food Lion today. Have people become desperate for the Christmas feeling? Last year I can't recall seeing and/or hearing a single bell ringer. They used to be all over the place...annoying actually. Maybe they're all rung out.
Something weird did happen today. I was choking. Badly. I couldn't breathe. I was gagging. Tears were pouring down my face. Fairly typical with this cold I've had. After I get rid of all this snot and mucous I swear I'll be wearing a size 5. Anyway, as I was struggling, dh kept telling me to drink some water. I knew that wasn't going to help. I had to clear the passage and water wasn't going to do it. And suddenly my grandmother's face flashed into my mind and I remembered her saying to eat a chunk of bread with butter on it. So I did. And I could breathe again. The bread was like a plunger pushing all that crap out of the way. Worked like a charm. I miss that old woman. She died in 1981.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
It's a big day when the seed catalogs come.
I have a moody 5-almost-6-year-old girl, too. Perhaps, we'll get them together some day. I dread teenager-dom right now. She's so freaking moody.
Thinking about you!
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