I spent yesterday on my dead ass. I hardly did anything at all. I may have been retaliating against dh's bonehead argument but I think in reality I was just being lazy. So, I surfed the web for hours. I was looking for something...anything...that would give me the answers I need. I found a great site:
43 things
and spent a large chunk of time looking at all the things other people were wanting to do but not actually doing. Kind of depressing but also kind of liberating to know that I'm not the only one unfulfilled in my life. So I started my list but only made it to 10 so far. I'll try to link it here later when I can concentrate. Right now I'm thinking about too many things.
I also checked out myspace.com and several blogs and saw all the wonderfully creative ideas people put into them and remembered that I used to be creative...once upon a time. The rut that I've gotten myself into has extremely steep sides and I'm having trouble crawling out. Hell, I can't even see over the edge some days. Maybe if I started digging I'd come out the other side.
I used to think that if I did enough different things in my life I would have something in common with more people and that I'd have more friends. Like, I'd be able to talk to someone about the view from the Eiffel Tower or the taste of real italian Pizza straight from the oven in Firenze. Or, watching the sun rise over the Blue Ridge Parkway burning off the mist as it climbs higher. Or, what a dolphin's skin feels like. Or, what it's like watching a calf being born. Or, how to incubate eggs. Or, what it felt like to be at Stonehenge. I've had a wild ride to say the least. So many memories to share...
But it didn't work out that way.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
I'll listen to your memories. :) I've been to Indiana and Michian. I could really get into some other conversations that corn growing and deer hunting!!!
I'm guessing you didn't see MY blog or "creative" wouldn't have hit the top ten list of "ways I'd describe this heap o' crap" :P
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