No, not really. Very pleasant day today...weatherwise. The little chickens enjoyed their time outside in their playpen. Dh fixed the 14' shelf in the library today. It pisses me off so bad to have to go behind a so-called professional and redo the work that we paid them to do. The interior work was done by the second contractor who dared us to sue him as he walked off the job. Never again. We have a fantastic plumber but all the rest of the "contractors" are worthless.
I did a load of laundry and baked two banana breads. Tried to "health" it up a bit. Cut the oil in half and used applesauce for part. Also sprinkled toasted wheat germ on the top of the loaves as they were baking. Very tasty but the loaves cracked very badly this time around. I had intended on making some cookies as well but I really can't get anything done when both dh and dd are home. They both require so much attention and a ton of validation. In fact, dh is sulking right now because I raised my tone of voice to him earlier and that apparently hurt his feelings. We had a conversation just yesterday about how overly sensitive he is and how I'm not allowed to express my feelings if they happen to be negative in fear of hurting his feelings. I dare not criticize nor raise my voice or else dh will give me the cold shoulder until he can talk himself thru it and then lecture me about it. It's a real pita. My feelings don't account for shit in this house.
What was the argument about you ask? We had pasta for supper. There were some ravioli leftover from a couple of days ago. Dh asked me if I wanted a couple with my other pasta. I said, "yes". I'm busy getting dd's plate ready the way she likes it so I don't have world war 3 on my hands.
Dh asks, "do you want a couple of these ravioli?"
"I said yes!" Well, apparently it was a tad snippy. I didn't think so but I do so hate for someone to re-ask a question because they didn't bother listening to the answer the first time around.
"It was just a question. You don't need to snap at me," dh said, looking like I just killed his dog.
And so on and so on ad nauseum.
Sometimes I just want to run away from home.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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