It's cold in this house. It's going to dip down into the 20s tonight. I need to bring the Christmas tree in so it doesn't get zapped. That's a 2-person job tho. I need to go dig out the birdbath heater but first I need to replace the damned birdbath. I've been looking for a couple of months now fruitlessly. I don't want to pay $50-$100 for a freestanding birdbath when I have a perfectly good pedestal already. I'll probably end up fabricating it out of some piece of crap I've got laying out in the barn/garage. It won't be pretty but it will be functional which is the important thing.
I wrapped the chicken "run" in clear vinyl and closed the end off with a piece of rigid insulation (blueboard) and it's rather nice and toasty in there when the sun is out. I don't know what to do with the two chicks. They're not old enough to be added to the flock yet and they haven't sufficient feathers yet to withstand next week's hard freezes. They didn't go out yesterday because of the threat of violent weather. Today may be their last day out for some time. I covered part of their run as well so they will have a windblock if nothing else. I seriously don't want them in the library for the winter...particularly since they have started crowing. Kung Pao insisted on coming into the library yesterday to lay her egg. It was comical really. She scrabbles round and round trying to make a nest in the box while her two kids sit back and trill rather sweetly. (My house really isn't a barn as you may think. The chickens are in a sterlite storage container covered with a wire top. They are bantams so they are very small and the box is large.)
I'm killing time until the library opens at 10:00. I have some books on hold that I need to pick up. I also have the first season of LOST on hold. (claps with mad glee) I didn't really like the episode of LOST last night. The first 48 days for the tail section survivors... It's really hard to care about those people since they've been so shitty to Michael, Sawyer, and Jin. And then to have that raving bitch shoot Shannon.... Yes, I love LOST. Dh sends me emails from work with little tidbits from the show as he comes across them on the web. He's such a sweety.
I think I may go to Hancock's today as well. I'm in the mood to sew and I still need to make those draft dodgers even though dh replaced all the thresholds and we got a new stormdoor. I'm sure I've got enough scrap fabric to make them but I've been holed up in this house for way too long and I need to get out before I go mad. Besides, I told the kid I would make her a princess dress to replace the one that didn't fit (Halloween). If I don't follow thru I'll never hear the end of it. How can I expect her to complete her projects when I don't complete my own. Doink.
I need to work on the book today, too. I had a brainstorm last night and I want to get cracking on it. It's so liberating not having that lawsuit looming over my head all the time. I don't have to feel guilty doing something that I want to do instead of preparing our case. Not to say that it's over because we still have to collect but there is a definite plan in place now. I used to be a debt collector (Asset Recovery Systems) and was quite successful. The pen is a very powerful tool.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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