Here I sit with a million and one things I could be doing... instead I waste my time with my pathetic ramblings in a blog that doesn't even hold my interest.
I discovered this morning that both of the chicks that Kung Pao hatched are roosters. What luck. Kung Pao is busily grinding away under the hosta in the shade garden...she dug a hole there last week and I found an egg there yesterday. She also has a nest in the chocolate mint barrel and another one in the barn that I fixed up for her. That's the nice one and the one she uses the least. She's the only hen laying at the moment. If ShrinkyDink is nesting somewhere I'll never find it since her eggs are so small. Fluffy has gone broody and I lift her off the nest several times a day. I was hoping that at least one of the new chicks would be a hen. Oh well.
I gave Peck away and the lady hasn't brought my carrier back yet like she said she would. I guess I'll have to go get it.
The new little roosters are busily practicing their crowing out in the library, which can hardly be called the library anymore since dh took the book shelf down. Their tinny little voices are like nails on a chalkboard. Literally. I love birds. Really. But I have to say that chickens aren't anything more than bags of shit rolled in feathers.
Why the pathetic rambling you ask? (or maybe you don't)...
I'm at a loss of what to do with my time. Yesterday dh had his day in court appealing our previous case against the contractor. He won! I can hardly get excited about the outcome. We got less than half of what we were asking and it took 1½ years to get this far with no guarantee that we will ever see a nickel of it. But, strangely enough, I'm satisfied. It was just so anticlimactic. One of the co-defendants didn't even bother to show up. Our witness is incarcerated in another county. I guess if we had his testimony we would have gotten more but we were told we would have to resubmit a subpoena (for another $12 since the judge was sick and changed the hearing date) and we didn't have time since we just found out he was in lockup. Plus, we would have had to file additional reports and pay more fees (sheriff's time and transportation costs) and having a convict as your "expert witness" doesn't really go in one's favour. Oh well. Live and Learn.
What else? I've failed miserably at NaNoWriMo yet again. No surprise there. I left Mama-Drama two weeks ago and nobody noticed. I logged in yesterday to check the admin panel and read a few posts and noticed that everything was basically the same as when I left. Literally SCDD. That's rather anticlimactic as well. I had hoped after putting in the time that I have at MD and the work that I put into it that I would have at least one friend on the board who would notice my absense. I think I'll always be invisible no matter what I do. Now that I have all this free time on my hands maybe I can devote some of it toward adding hacks to MD. Or maybe I won't. I don't think anyone cares. MD is not what I had hoped it would be. It's either high drama or benign posts with very little in between. I had hoped that it would become a board where women could exchange ideas, could debate different subjects, discuss current events. It's either fluff or flagellation.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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