I did some work on the shower this afternoon. It's coming along. I've decided to take the easier but more expensive premixed route. I need to go to Lowes tomorrow for another bucket of mortar. I could use a new float, too. Anyway, I got a couple of courses laid and then I scratched out the grout lines on the previously laid courses. It's really starting to look like something. I'm looking forward to getting back in there.
Did a load of laundry today and dh noticed that there was a little bit of water on the floor. I figured it came from when I added something to the load after it started but it turns out that the washer is leaking. Dh took the back off and as far as I can tell the gasket around the drum is shot. This is a front loader so taking it apart to replace it is going to be a real bitch. Dh just wants to go and buy a new washer. He's easily intimidated by machines. I think we can fix it. But who am I to throw away the chance at a brand new shiny washing machine? ;o) Maybe I'll look at a few at Lowes tomorrow.
Didn't get any seeds started today as I had hoped. I got a little sidetracked with something and didn't get around to mixing the seed starter. I need to inventory my seeds and see what's still viable. I need to clear off the growing table and bring it in the house, too. I'll probably need to change out some of the lights. Last year's plants got really leggy under the lights. I think they're beginning to lose their strength. I need to devise a way of bottom heating the seed trays as well. Last year the heat pad cooked a few. Maybe if I used cooling racks and slid the heating pad under them and set the trays on top of the racks? That would probably work pretty well. No direct contact and ambient heat. Even better if I tent the table I suspect.
Looks like I have a lot to do tomorrow. I need to polish off my beer and hit the sack. Michelob Ultra Pomegranate Raspberry. Pretty tasty. I think I'll go get a couple more 6packs before Kroger jacks the price out of my range.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
I was gonna get some Ultra for my bday but most light beers are so nasty I talked myself out of it.
Am I really missing that much? (It was the unflavored type tho)
It's pretty wimpy as far as beer goes.
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