I made bread today. I made breadsticks last Thursday and they turned out so tasty I thought I'd make a couple loaves of something today. So I did. Rosemary & Thyme round bread. I screwed up the first loaf by trying to transfer it from the cookie sheet to the baking stone. It deflated rather unceremoniously like the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz. I had to let it rise for another 30 minutes but it still came out homely. The second loaf came out picture perfect. We've already eaten half of the ugly loaf and it is terrific. It's got a thick chewy crust due to the pan of water that I put in the oven while it was baking. The flavour and texture are wonderful. I am very pleased with myself...well, I did have my dd's help. She enjoyed it, too.
While the dough was rising we got together to read The Eleventh Hour by Graeme Base. We had a lot of fun cracking the codes and deciphering the hieroglyphs. It's an excellent read...great for snuggling up in a big chair. I hope the author's other books are as equally clever.
Time to turn in...I'm starting to see double. It just makes me think I have twice as much dust and dirt in this house. Hey, when I close my eyes I don't see any of it at all. Maybe I've hit on something there.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
That bread sounds lovely. I've been too sick to bake anything at all for three weeks, and I am suffering serious fresh bread withdrawals.
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