
Let go.

December 5 – Let Go.

What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?

I answered this prompt at 750words and it got a bit personal so I can't post it here. I will say that I let go of the idea of having a decent garden during the summer. It's nearly impossible. Drought, bugs, and super hot weather take their toll. Looks like a fall garden is going to be the norm from now on.

I let go of a few books, a few pieces of furniture, my office clothes. Hanging onto clothing that I'll never EVER be able to fit into again because they are nice or because they used to fit doesn't make sense. I know I used to be thin. I know I used to look sharp. That was a long time ago before I had the kidlet. The hips will never be the same. There's more gray hair. Much more. I think I finally let go of my youth as well. It had to happen eventually. Sure beats the alternative.