It's the eve of a new school year and I'm all aquiver with excitement. The kidlet can't sleep. I know she's excited too but won't admit it. I mean that's so uncool, school is dull and boring and the other kids are stupid and boring. Duh.
I can barely keep myself from packing her lunch right now at a quarter to midnight. I wish I was going back to school. How dorky is that? The last class I took was Medical Terminology. Aced it. Still have the flash cards I made for it. That was over ten years ago though. I haven't learned anything new since. Got pregnant while taking the class and went brain dead during gestation. And ten years of Rubadubbers, Lazytown, and Backyardigans didn't help to rehab the gray matter in the least. Blue's Clues wasn't bad though. At least we made a game of that. I cut out three blue paw prints and put them around the house and the kidlet would find them and try to figure out Blue's Clues. I bet she'd still play if I got them out. I'm sure I still have them. I still have my flash cards so apparently I don't throw anything away. Well on my way to Hoarders on channel 37. You'll find me buried under empty cat food bags and school papers.
Better try to get some sleep. The bus comes super early. 7:25. Another year of 50 minute bus rides to go to a school ten minutes away. If she went to her home based school she'd be there in three minutes. Gotta love how the county divided the districts. Next year the CBG school (if they aren't cut from the budget) will be all the way to the city in a school with suck ass SOL scores. But they need the CBG kids to keep their accreditation. My child, a pawn of the school system. I'm so excited!
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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