Well, we're definitely back. It's too stinking hot to even work in the garden. I tried. Managed to clear off another bed to get ready for the cold frame. I couldn't stop thinking about the weather in the mountains. How cool. I guess it was about 15 degrees cooler there than here. I hiked all day and didn't break a sweat. Not like this humidity around here where you sweat your ass off just standing still. A short hike to a beautiful waterfall, the cool mist rising in the primeval forest, droplets clinging to the emerald green moss and ferns that spring up everywhere. *sigh* I want to live there. Get a horse and a goat. Some chickens. I could make lap quilts and sell them to the tourists. This past vacation was our second time out there. We did all the touristy things last year like the "gem mining" and Grandfather mountain. This time was strictly hiking and enjoying the cool weather, the flora and fauna. We couldn't make a decent living there so I guess we're stuck here until the husband retires. That'll be awhile. Besides, he's set on retiring to Seattle though he's never been there. Best to ship the kidlet off to college first. She's starting 5th grade here in a bit. Her school has over 700 kids in it. The elementary school in Banner Elk, NC has 210. I don't know if I can stand 8 more years. I feel like I've been here forever. I've never lived in one place this long before. Link to Banner Elk.
Doesn't that look inviting?
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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