What a beautiful day! Looks like everyone was out either riding bikes or walking dogs this morning. I mixed up some seed starting medium and started a flat of Lunaria. Collected seed from last year so they may not germinate. Lunaria only grows from fresh seed so it's best to plant them asap. We'll see. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I repotted an ivy topiary and a lemon button fern, too. I have a very large planter outside so I decided to put bamboo in it, underplanted with lettuce. It sure felt good to get my hands in the soil.
Mom called. Mayumi, my SIL, managed to cut her little finger off. Ripped it off actually. It couldn't be reattached. Too much trauma. Freak accident. I can't imagine the pain she must have felt. I shudder to think about it.
She also said that Brother Rick is contemplating a move back home and SpongeBob is moving back in as well. Third time's the charm with him. Maybe he'll succeed in totally destroying the property this time. He only trashed it the previous two times. Dad busted ass getting that place liveable, drilled a well, and put in a septic system. They trashed it and bugged out. He busted his ass getting it fixed again. They moved back in, trashed it and bugged out again. This time Dad had to pull up all the carpet, tear up the subfloor and replace it, gut the bathroom and fix it, actually too much to describe here. Lots of cussing involved. Lots of work. Lots of time and money. I can't wait to see how long this lasts. Still recovering from colon cancer and he has to get the place liveable for them again.
Closer to home: Tuco was at Death's Door for a couple of days. It's still touch and go. He's an old dog and winter is doing him in. But he did eat a can of food yesterday and had a little bit to eat today. He's skin and bones. Poor little hound. I think he'll be fine once spring gets here.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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