I hate to lie. Hate it. I avoid it if possible but sometimes it's really not up to me. Not when I have to consider other people. I must confess a lie I made some time back. It was during one of the board crashes. Danica gave us free run of her "soap dish" board. She made me an admin and let me set up a forum for discussion. One time I mentioned 'going back to the 3DBB'. Someone jumped on it and accused us (admin) of having a secret board. We denied it. I said I meant 'back to the drawing board' like the Mr. Peabody and Simon cartoon. I lied. It's ridiculous to expect an admin staff to not discuss board issues in private but people were so wary of the scheming and deceit that was prevalent under the Apiffany reign of terror. I lied and said we conducted board business via email. That was a laugh because loads of times I wouldn't get a response to emails or PMs. So, we had a board. Every once in awhile Camille would get paranoid and move us to a new board. We had a yahoo group at one time. The latest was an Invisionfree board. We were on that one the longest. I'm not on it anymore. I deleted myself when I left as admin at MD. It's probably gone now. I couldn't even access it without a direct link in an email. If I typed the url in my browser it would never come up. It was called divas_digs.
That lie has been bothering me for a long time. We may even have had a private forum at Danica's board for the time we were there. But, we never had a private forum at MD...not since we lost MD to Dana.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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