Not much to say here. I've been working in the garden quite a bit since it stopped raining. I got my truckload of horse manure (courtesy of Elaine at Hunter Lane Stables) on Friday. The chickens pounced on it immediately and proceeded to spread it around for me. Skip has been "wrapping" my path with plastic and I've been hauling out wire grass roots by the fistsful. There's no telling what kind of surprise weeds the manure will add to the mix but it can't possibly be worse than the wire grass.
I planted a mixture of melon seeds last weekend. Two more rows of stringbeans. I took the crate off of one of the cabbages to use while pulling weeds and the chickens decimated the plant. Evil rotten birds. It's a good thing they lay yummy eggs. I'm getting the tomato bed ready and should be able to put the plants out this week. The seedlings are still so small. I need to revamp my seed starting mix I believe.
I had to move some plants from around the fishpond last weekend as well. Not enough drainage. The basket-of-gold allysum is done for. The snow in summer (cerastium) is still hanging on. Barely. The chickens destroyed all of the coleus, too.
Speaking of evil birds...I can hear one squawking now. Must have laid an egg and wants to tell the world about it. I'll see if I can find some nice big juicy japanese beetle grubs for her.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
My cabbages are stalled. I got them free from church, the packages stated that they might bear50-lb heads. We'll see about that.
I'll soon be planting the second year of the Chinese Noodle beans. I sent saved seeds to three people last summer. Your step-beans might grown from Utah to Virginia this summer.
LOL, step-beans! I haven't planted mine yet. It took so long to get the horse manure and now the garden is in total chaos. Maybe this weekend... :o)
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