Just took half a happy pill so maybe I'll get something done today instead of blithering around, starting 100 things and finishing nothing as usual. Not much to do in the garden. Dh put wire around one of the raised beds so it is chicken-free. Maybe the cabbage will stand a chance. Unless the pretty little white butterflies lead to their destruction. I relocated the volunteer zinnias to one side and planted the rest of the bed in peppers I grew from seed. They are super tiny. I don't know what happened this year but they just stopped growing in the cells. Very little root development and barely anything past the first set of true leaves. I may have to hoick them up and replace them with hybrids from the store. Gadzooks.
The Principe Borghese tomatoes had the same sluggish beginning. They look sturdy enough now but are way behind. Even the volunteers that survived the chickens and the cultivation and the raking are bigger and fuller. That's not supposed to happen. Thank goodness I tend to grow only heirloom plants or I would have nothing in the garden. Next year I think I'll just scatter the damned seeds in the fall and wait to see what happens. It couldn't turn out any worse! Of course, this fall I'll be building a really nice cold frame using the old windows I've saved up and hopefully I'll be able to extend the season a bit. I plan on putting the tunnel ribs back up for a winter salad garden as well. Plus, we'll have kale which is always tasty fried with garlic and onions and served with pasta. Haven't had that in a long while since the store has such poor quality. I refuse to pay a premium for limp kale with thick, heavy stalks that end up in the compost heap. Worse yet is when it is sold by the bunch and you have little choice.
I have some pinks to plant, some roses to move, some bamboo to eradicate, and some horse biscuits to spread around today (Preferrably AFTER I make some more bread) so I better get moving. Another hour of sleep would feel so good though....
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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