
Putting off the tiling

That's what I'm doing right now. It's my specialty. Later on I'm going to put off the dusting.

That's about it. I'm a bit depressed and not really into talking to myself today.


Missy said...

well, i typed out a monster response just to say.........i'm lazy and haven't done anything yet in the garden. school is out in 8 days and I haven't don't any tilling, splitting, or weeding. i lost my bee balm and shasta daisies over the winter. Malva has taken over. want to find bamboo. is it too late to split hosta?

scdd said...

Hi Missy! I wouldn't split hosta if the leaves have unfurled. I guess you could but it's too hot here now. Have you seen any bamboo groves around you? Everytime I cut a piece of root for you it dies. :o(