It's been nearly two years since I started a novel during NaNoWriMo. I think I'm finally ready to get back to it and see if there is anything there. The old novel is still in the back of my mind but it's not going anywhere. It's hard for me to get inspired by cadaver dogs and floaters these days.
So...I joined a writers' group today. They were holding a meeting at the central library and I sat in. They have a formal meeting once a month but try to have informal coffee chats twice a month as well. The main goal is to produce a finished work. Right now they are working on an anthology and the deadline is November 15th. I'll be deep in the throes of NaNoWriMo again at that time. I hope. Last year I didn't make it past the first week. Pitiful. This year I have no other time suck so I should be able to pound out 1,000 - 1,500 words a day. I might not be able to do it on the weekends when dd and dh are monster distractions but maybe if I stay up late after they all crash I could get something done. I would love to get back into the habit of writing everyday. I think I'll start tomorrow with some exercises. Hopefully someone will kick me in the butt should I stop.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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