11:11 What is with that number? I made a blog entry about this awhile ago. I just noticed the entry was made on 11/11/2007. heh.
So, the other day I was surfing. I was supposed to be writing but surfing is much easier. Maybe I should start from the beginning....
I'm a member of a board called Morning Coach. It's a personal development/motivation-type forum. I like the daily 15 minute podcasts by JB. Somedays I feel like it's just so much sunshine being blown up my skirt but sometimes the topic is spot on. I guess it all depends on my mood. Anyway, I guess one of the podcasts was on social networking sites like facebook and twitter. I decided to give it a shot and signed up for an account.
From Facebook I was reconnected with a friend from highschool, lo, those many, many years ago. She happened to have just had a poem published on an online magazine. The site was all about Synchronicity or coincidence. I checked out the site and watched a segment of a presentation made about synchronicity and destiny. The subject of numbers came up...11:11, 2:22, numbers which occurred repetitively and were believed to hold a message, like an omen I suppose. I remembered writing a blog entry about that very subject. It always seemed a bit weird to me that I would see so many coincidental groupings of these numbers. My interest was piqued.
I decided to google the numbers and see what came up. On the first page of results was a heading "11:11". I followed the link to a blog. The word "synchronicity" leapt from the page. What the hell? I glanced at the banner at the top of the page. It was a personal development blog by Steve Pavlina. That name sounded really familiar to me. Then it occurred to me...I heard his name mentioned in one of JB's podcasts. I'm almost positive! This was all beginning to seem a little bit bizarre to me.
I went to Morning Coach to confirm. I logged on to the forums, typed Pavlina into the search box and a handful of results popped up. Damn! I scrolled down. One reference was posted on 11/11/2008. It was about one's life purpose....something I had been struggling with lately. I read the entry and followed the link within the post to another personal development site which in turn linked back to Steve Pavlina's blog. That entry was entitled, How to Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes.
Huh. So here I sit in front of my computer at 11:55 pm on 2/22/09 scratching my head over this perfect string of coincidences that led me to my ultimate question: What is my purpose? Strange doesn't begin to describe it.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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