Vulgar, yes, but true.
This has been one suck ass week. Sunday evening we went next door for a cookout with our new neighbours. It was quite nice actually. Dd was well behaved. A stellar moment in her brief life thus far. Sunday night the headache arrived. It pounded and stabbed and gouged at the back of my eyeballs.
Ok...since I started writing this dd has interrupted me to whine about being hungry so I gave her a banana. I sat back down and before I could put fingertips to keyboard she was back whining because she couldn't get the banana open. (3:08)
On Monday morning I still had the headache. I got up and watered my plants outside as it promised to be a humdinger of a day. Never made it to the garden. Cramps doubled me over. Excruciating cramps. Cramps like you wouldn't believe. Then came the nausea. All the while dd was begging to play anything I would agree to.
I had to stop and load a dvd for dd. It wasn't working. We ended up putting Shiloh in instead. That's right. I parked my kid in front of the tv (3:23)
Where was I? Oh, yeah. (4:02)
Uhmmm. So, cramps, nausea, headache. I had to lay down for a little while. Dd was able to make her own lunch. She brought me a glass of cranberry juice and I was able to take some ibuprofen. I must have taken a dozen that day. I called dh up and asked him to come home early. My legs began to hurt like an infected tooth. A steady pain. My RLS kicked in and I had to keep moving my legs or they would hurt even moreso. Dd came in to read me some stories and keep me company. I was so weak. My arms felt like lead and I could barely stand. It was at least 80 degrees in the house but I had chills. Dd said I was hot. Dh came home around 3:30....earlier than expected. He fixed dinner for himself and dd. I couldn't eat. I drank some more cranberry juice and ate some more ibuprofen. It just wasn't taking the edge off. Taking a shower was shaky business. I decided to watch some House since I couldn't sleep. Dh and dd were watching it in the livingroom so he helped me settle in the lazyboy, got me a bite or two of a baked potato (which I couldn't finish) ............(10:42)
Tuesday I woke up with the headache. Dd and I laid around all day watching tv. TCM was showing Louis Jordan (sp?) movies beginning with GiGi. I had ibuprofen for lunch. Yummy, but still not working. I took an alka-seltzer cold at bedtime and I was out for the count. I swear that stuff works better than Lunestra.
Wednesday I awoke with the same headache but no more muscle aches, no more nausea, but I still cramped whenever I ate something other than ibuprofen. Guess how much weight I lost over those three days. Go ahead....guess! I gained two pounds.
Thursday hasn't been bad. The headache is flitting around on the edges of my brain. I'm able to eat again. In fact I thought I'd have a square of my $3 candy bar and a freaking damned earwig ran out of it when I opened the wrapper. Pissed ain't the word.
Tomorrow morning I have to get up bright and early and go back to radiology and get my boobs flattened again. Very unflattering. I can't imagine that job. Handling other people's sweaty boobs all day. I don't even want to handle my own. ick. I have to get a bilateral ultrasound, too. I guess they have to see if the "suspicious" areas are fluid filled or have garbage in them. I'm very anxious and agitated over the whole thing. Dh had made plans to go fishing with his buddy tomorrow leaving me high and dry with no support. The guy's infant got sick today so he took off work but will make it up tomorrow thus cancelling the fishing trip. Lucky me. I swear the outpouring of love and concern is suffocating me.
Well, that's it. I think I'll go eat a few alka-seltzers and see if I can find Mash on tv. (11:02)
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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