
Hurry up and wait.

Well, I'm sitting here waiting for the cable guy to show up. Could be a long wait. I shant hold my breath. You would have thought something catastrophic had occurred Monday night when dh discovered that we no longer had all of our beloved cable channels. He was pulling plugs and switching boxes and fiddling with this, that, and the other to no avail. "DAMN IT!" punctuated the otherwise quiet house nearly every 30 seconds. He was very adamant with his instructions this morning as he left for work: Stay by the phone. They will call before coming out. If you go out to the garden TAKE THE PHONE WITH YOU.

There are very few things that rattle dh's cage. The cable going out is the biggie. He goes nuts when the electricity goes out but that's only because the television doesn't operate without it I suspect. His other biggies? Ok, since you asked.

  1. Ketchup
  2. Mayo
  3. Being late

Not necessarily in that order. But when the power goes out......holy hell! We have a phone specifically for calling the power company when the power goes out since our cordless won't work without electricity. It's #1 on the speed dial. Nope, not poison control, hospital, or fire department. Not even Mom. The power company. The keeper of the eternal flame. But what is electricity without television? In our household they are one in the same. If there is power and dh is home then the tv will be on. A very simple equation. Power + dh = television. Man, if they don't show up today dh may have a stroke.