Or do you make excuses? When was the last time you picked a piece of trash off the ground that wasn't yours? I admit that I've been rather lax about trash pickup in my sub. Let's face it...some of my neighbours are pigs and it's easy to succumb to feelings of futility when I clean up the ditch in front of the same house over and over again. I mean, why bust my ass using a RAKE in order to make my carbon footprint smaller when everyone around me is filling the air with noise pollution and greasy clouds of burning oil from their leaf blowers? Why bust my ass lugging buckets of captured rain water to the garden when the neighbour is "powerwashing" the grassclippings from his front yard during a severe drought? Not a single soul in my subdivision dries their laundry on a clothesline except me. Don't they realize that solar power is free? That sunshine actually kills germs and will make their whites whiter? According to Kim McKay and Jenny Bonnin in their book True Green, an electric clothes dryer generates more than 6.5 pounds of greenhouse gases per load.
I know I'm standing on a soapbox and beating my chest but people have to start making their own micro efforts because big business sure as hell ain't gonna do it until the government forces them. And the government isn't likely to force the issues if those in power are making money while raping Mother Earth.
Please do what you can.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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