What I've been up to (on the lighter side):
I got my belly button pierced finally on Friday the 13th of all days. Now, watch my legs get gangrenous and fall off. I leafed thru a tattoo magazine while I was waiting for this chick to get her tongue pierced and happened to see Kelly's half-page layout. Kelly is a long-time member of Mama-Drama and is adored by many. She looked good. :o)
I picked up some pepper plants and various other things at the berry farm this afternoon. Planted 5 of them. I had to wait for dh to till the garden plot again. I swear sometimes I just want to haul off and kick him square in the ass. I asked him to till it with the tiller but he decided to turn it with a shovel instead. Well, that just causes more work for me because I have to bust up the clods and rake it all smooth whereas the tiller would bust up the clods for me. *sigh*
My secret to excellent pepper production is in the planting. I sink bottomless black plastic pots in the garden. I plant the pepper seedling inside leaving ample room for mulch and compost. When I water I fill the pot to the rim and all the water and nutrients go straight to the roots. No run off. Plus, the black plastic releases heat at night and keeps the crawling gnawing bugs at bay.
I had to make some wire cages to fit over my squash and cuke hills today. The cat has taken to shitting at the base of the hill and letting gravity help cover her prize. I discovered this in a most unpleasant manner when shoring up one of the crumbled hills. *barf* On a good note tho...this year the seeds are actually germinating. I've planted delicata squash for 2 years without a single seed sprouting. This year I got a pack of seeds at Walmart and they are busting up. Third year is the charm I guess. Same with the lemon cucumbers. I must have sown 30 seeds last year with maybe two making it to maturity. I think I harvested a single cucumber. This year every seed I planted has germinated. Go figure. I'm glad I didn't sow 30 seeds this year!
Not so much on the light side, April 27, 2005: Chigliak died. I had taken her to the vet since she just seemed so run down and the vet had nothing but bad news. She had heartworms so bad that the larva were present in her blood draw. She had a heart murmur. She was so anemic that she would need a transfusion but that it probably wouldn't help and the treatment for the heartworms would surely kill her. Poor old dog. I guess she was about 15 years old. Someone had dumped her and the rest of her litter next to a dumpster out in the middle of nowhere...in July....in blinding heat...with no water and no chance for survival. Assholes. I took two of the pups, Chigliak and Moose. Chigliak was a really good dog. I miss her. So does Tuco. It appears that he tried to dig her up last night. I'll need to add some more cobblestones to her grave. I've lost all three of my long term pets in 6 months.
I registered my child for kindergarten. I'm looking forward to the extra time I'll have this fall but I'm also experiencing a little anxiety because my kid is going to public school. I hated public school. Maybe if we hadn't moved around so much I would have liked it but it was pure hell for me. So much weird shit happens at public schools these days. I'm going to pull a Scarlet O'Hara on this topic and think about it some other day.
Lots of other things have happened but those boring little tidbits of my day to day life will have to wait until another day. Eastenders awaits!
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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