Dh went to court last Friday as witness for the state against the first contractor who bilked us out of 8K. I reported him and they took him to court for violation of occupational code 54.1-111. He was found guilty and fined $500, 90 days suspended. A slap on the wrist really....compared to $8,000. (Plus the additional $4,000 to redo what he screwed up.)
According to the prosecutor, the defendant admitted to everything and implicated his wife as well. Dh was told to contact another guy after the trial...local government...and they have plans on having him arrested for working without a business license. I don't know if dh will have to testify during that case.
I was right about them coming from Florida. They had told us they moved from Buffalo, NY, but I tracked them to Florida. I love the internet.
Anyway, we have to get a copy of the transcripts of the trial if we plan on going after Mrs. Asshole Contractor. We were told we have a 50-50 chance of getting money back from the state contractor's fund. I don't like those odds much.
So, today I have to write up a report for the local guy complete with photos. Cake and Pie.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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