Part of me wants to dust off the book and get the main characters out of the sack. Another part says "why bother?" Hell, they've been there for over 10 years. I've brought it out and reread it a few times and I'm generally happy with the various scenes but I just can't tie it together fluently. How do I get from the floating body to the DaVinci project? OT: I got the idea from an article in the Roanoke newspaper where they found an unidentified body floating in the river. The man had a return plane ticket to D.C. and court papers for adoption records in his briefcase.
Ok, back to the subject at hand. Motivation, or lack thereof. I've got Debbie Travis' Painted House on in the background and can't even focus on this blog entry. I use to be able to concentrate with a singular purpose. When I was heavily into portraiture I could remain slumped over my art for hours on end, diligently working until it was finished for if I stopped at any time it would never get done. Now I can't even finish a sinkful of dishes in one session. I'm always leaving the silverware to soak until the water turns cold and flat. So, you see, not only do I lack motivation, but I lack the focus as well. I'll blame that on my child. I now have the attention span of a gnat.
Meanwhile, Debbie is turning a beautiful diningroom into a nightmare in eggplant and celedon. Gag.
blahblahblah I should be in bed but instead I am thinking about everything else BUT writing. Like: should I go with dh and dd to the birthday soiree tomorrow and also visit his grandmother? Or, should I stay home and wallow in the "peace and quiet" and use that time to lay the underlayment in the addition, free from "PLAY WITH ME!" and "I'M THIRSTY"? If I do that tomorrow while they are out of my hair then I'll be able to lay the tile next week. Provided, of course, that I can get a dozen boxes of the tile.
Whew! They finally finished the diningroom and it was God Awful! I can see that room getting several coats of stainblocker after she leaves. And here I am worried about pumpkin on my walls. I think what I'll do in the addition is paint it pumpkin, glaze it with a lighter shade in the same family (or darker, who knows) and then lay an open garbage bag over it, brush it out and then rip it off. It would definitely take care of hiding the monstrous spackle job the last asshole contractor did.
Oh, speaking of asshole contractors... Dh went to court this morning to testify against said asshole contractor and the case was continued. Again. Anyway, dh spoke to the investigator's boss and they mentioned going after Mrs. Asshole Contractor. What a freaking concept especially since my complaint was against her, too, and Mr. Asshole Contractor has about 15 judgements against him already which would put us in the realm of "when hell freezes over" to get any restitution from him.
But I digress. To write or not to write. I registered for the NaNoWriMo. I can't really say I have a chance in hell of finishing a novel in a month's time. I can't really say I'll make a dent. I can say that I will make an effort to spend my time wisely and TRY to pound out a page or two a day. I better have a discussion with my characters and see where Winston and Jennifer want me to take this.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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