Why do people feel the need to bare their souls online? If you don't want anyone to know about something then you shouldn't post about it on the internet aka the world wide web. It's a pretty simple concept actually. And anybody who is led to believe that their words are safe because some internet prophet urges them to unload their burdens on her site deserves a tuna smack on the head for being so utterly and completely stupid and gullible. Be forewarned: Your charismatic leader is not doing this out of the goodness of her heart. If she truly cared she would a) urge you to seek counsel with clergy or seek out IRL friends, b) suggest creating a yahoogroup for yourself and friends so you have total control, or c) tell you under no circumstances to divulge any painful information that could bite you in the ass later on if someone like myself came along and ratted you out. Nope...your saintly benefactor is only looking out for numero uno. I see "voluntary" donations requested to maintain the groups in the future. Her ATM is tapped. How many more banners can be squeezed in? Besides, I can't see wahms spending their hard earned money on banners when corporate companies, who didn't buy a spot to begin with, are getting the same airplay. It's all about the cash baby. If she wants a smaller, more intimate, "safer" board then all she has to do is close it down to new members and go private. Unfortunately, there is no cash to be had that way. Limits the charitable donations drastically when you don't have a constant influx of brand new unsuspecting checkbooks at your beck and call.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago
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