Where to begin. Thanksgiving. OMG, what a mess. Well, not actually Thanksgiving, the day, but the whole concept of the holiday. Norman Rockwell can kiss my ass. First off, we decided to stay home for TG day (instead of going to my parent's) and go to dh's granddad's house to be with his family. I wanted to stay home, just the three of us. This, of course, pissed dh off, and my parents off. Who cares what I want, right? The holiday is looming and dd catches a cold, and it's a nasty one. Snot running like tree sap in the spring. I tell dh that dd and I aren't going if she's still sick. He says he'll take her and I can stay home. *The first sign of resistance. Then, he catches her cold and man, is he a pitiful little thing when he gets sick. I do believe the world actually slows down. He comes home early from work all bleary eyed and sniffly. BUT, still plans to go to TG dinner with his family. I say absolutely not and he grudgingly calls his mother and tells her we won't be there. I overheard him (as I was listening to every word) tell her that we were not going to my parents either. So, he lays around pouting and moaning all damned day long. A real treat for me, let me tell you. I run to the grocery store before it closes and get a roasted chicken and some box stuffing. I figure, what the hell, a bird is a bird. I try to make it as nice as possible. I finally get to sit down at the table and when I get halfway through my meal dh just gets up and leaves. And my first thought was "you ungrateful prick bastard". We had one hellacious fight.
Eventually the waters were calmed. I told dh I would cook our turkey dinner the following weekend. On Sunday. I had invited my parents but knew they wouldn't come. It was pretty much a gratuitous invitation. (That's not the term I'm looking for but whatever.) Dh takes it upon himself to invite his parents but I'd have to change the date to accomodate them. Sure, no problem. I have no life. A few days later he tells me his grandma is coming, too. :sigh: That means I'll have to break out the bits of china she gave us and use them. No problem. I break them out of storage, wash the dried food that's been encrusted on them like barnacles for a decade or more. (I really don't know what it is about dh's family in that they don't know how to wash a dish.) I compile my lists, do my shopping, do my cleaning, yada yada yada, and then dh's cold comes around for a second hit. Dd is still sniffling, sneezing, snotting. He calls his mother and cancels the dinner. Ok. The turkey is still frozen so no worries. Just postpone it for another week. Blah blah blah yada yada yada. The day arrives. Grandma backs out because she isn't feeling well. I pop the thawed turkey in the oven, everything is going as scheduled and BAM! Dh and dd are playing in the livingroom. Dd jumps over dh's legs, as once again he is mostly prone on the floor watching tv, trips, falls, and breaks her arm. Unbelievable. She is wailing. She told me it was broken. I was hoping it was a sprain. I tell dh to call his parents and tell them not to come since he is going to take her to the doctor. He doesn't want to cancel dinner again. I really didn't think he wanted to take her to the doctor either. Neither one of us really believed it was broken. But dd was crying and begging to go to the dr's office. Dh got on the phone, cancelled dinner (caught them as they were about to leave their house), and called the clinic. They said there would be a 30 minute wait. 3 hours later they finally saw her. They were overrun with people getting preventative flu shots. Since when is someone paranoid about the flu in more desperate need of medical attention than a child with a broken arm??? I was about to kick ass and take names when they finally got home. Dd had a splint on and a handful of stickers. Just another adventure for her. Another dr visit and she now has a fluorescent pink cast from thumb to shoulder. She thinks it's cool.
Dh just got done eating the very last of the turkey for dinner tonight. I hope he enjoyed it.
Have a very merry Christmas
5 years ago